cannabis Foley Family Farms

Foley Family Farms


We grow cannabis the way the plant tells us to. We plant young plants directly into the earth. We offer them water and they follow the Sun into the fall as they flower to fight the power of the Northern California Sun. The coast brings the fog and the cold nights which the cannabis plant adores, it has grown most prodigiously here over the past half century. Climate and solar angle are at their apex here in the Anderson Valley region of California, much like the Champagne region of France is ideal climate for sparkling white wine. At Foley Family Farms, we act as Cannabis’ shepherd, planting around it and amongst it, perennials and annuals to plenty its environment with biodiversity and a wealth of opportunity for beneficial insects, microorganisms, and fungi. We see our field as an orchestra playing to the Maestro Marajuana! To produce medicinal crops we refuse any industrial process or product. Soils are amended using organic locally sourced manure, and through rotational plantings of complementary crops. In the winter we grow a mix of peas, legumes and vetches and once they have reached their peek of fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere and replenishing the soil we hack it down and lay it on the soil to compost. Hugelkulture burns are employed to sustain the
plants by ensuring a warm fertile moist and microbial rich substrate. Many variables of annuals and perennials are cultivated in tandem to the cannabis and generally throughout the farm.